Uptown Leamington Board of Directors Meetings are generally held on the first Wednesday of every month. Date and Location are subject to change.
To ensure you are on the mailing list, please email info@leamingtonbia.com for the latest updates.
**Restricted to Uptown Leamington BIA Members only
We are offering our members a grant to help cover the cost of purchasing and installing security cameras or upgrading/adding to your existing system. The grant will cover 50% of the project cost up to a project total of $1,500 ($750 grant). This is a pilot project with limited funding available. Depending on the success of the pilot, there may be grants available in the future.
The purpose of this pilot project is to offer an alternative and cost-effective way to enhance the security of uptown with more cameras while also offering our members value in protecting their assets. We hope to dramatically increase the number of street-facing and alleyway cameras available to the police to help deter unwanted activity.
- The applicant must be a BIA member.
- The property involved must have the ability to mount a camera outdoors on a ground floor.
- The grant will include both the purchase and installation of a new security camera system or the enhancement of an existing system.
- Limit of one grant per address (businesses with multiple properties may apply for each property).
If you are interested in applying, fill out the application here.
Business Licensing
The Leamington Town Council approved the introduction of a Comprehensive Business Licensing program, which will replace the Business Registry system currently in place. All those businesses previously registered under the Business Registry system will be required to apply for a Business Licence under the Comprehensive Business Licensing By-law and pay the applicable fee.
Visit the website for more details
Board Member Vacancy
The Municipality of Leamington is seeking applications to fill one Board Director position for the Uptown Leamington Business Improvement Area (BIA) Board of Management for the current term ending November 14, 2026. Click here to access an application form, or you may contact a Customer Service Representative at the Municipality of Leamington at 519-326-5761 during regular business hours (8:30 AM to 4:30 PM) to have an application mailed to you.