*New Security Camera Grant & UpLIFT Beautification Grant Available for BIA Members
We are offering our members a grant to help cover the cost of purchasing and installing security cameras or upgrading/adding to your existing system. The grant will cover 50% of the project cost up to a project total of $1,500 ($750 grant). This is a pilot project with limited funding available. Depending on the success of the pilot, there may be grants available in the future.
The purpose of this pilot project is to offer an alternative and cost-effective way to enhance the security of uptown with more cameras while also offering our members value in protecting their assets. We hope to dramatically increase the number of street-facing and alleyway cameras available to the police to help deter unwanted activity.
- The applicant must be a BIA member.
- The property involved must have the ability to mount a camera outdoors on a ground floor.
- The grant will include both the purchase and installation of a new security camera system or the enhancement of an existing system.
- Limit of one grant per address (businesses with multiple properties may apply for each property).
If you are interested in applying, click here Security Camera Grant Application. Please send it to info@leamingtonbia.com, mail it to Box 666 Leamington, Ont. N8H 1X1 or drop it off at the Uptown Leamington BIA Office, 72 Talbot St. W., Suite 203.
We are offering our members a grant to help beautify and improve their building facades.
How does it work?
Property owners or business owners submit a proposal to the Leamington BIA Board of Directors outlining the façade improvements. BIA Members are eligible to apply for this grant once a year. (as project funding allows)
The proposal must include pictures of before the work and after the work is completed. After pictures must be submitted before the grant is paid.
Projects are eligible to receive 50% of the cost of the improvement up to a maximum of $500.
If you are interested in applying, click here UPLift Grant Info . Please send it to info@leamingtonbia.com, mail it to Box 666 Leamington, Ont. N8H 1X1 or drop it off at the Uptown Leamington BIA Office, 55 Erie St. N., Leamington ON N8H 2Z4